The extension of life and spirit has no outward direction: toward diplomacy flows inward. When the pace of life blocks deep communication and media information disrupts Vipassana introspection, people tend to rely more on external factors to balance the spiritual world. The intake of alcohol and nicotine, along with the flow of blood spread throughout the body, and then through the individual transmission, forming an ideal social atmosphere, virtually build a jump out of the daily emotional space and sensory fortress, and form a spiritual retreat from reality.
This case is led by the design team of DAED design and research. The designer imitated the action path of tobacco and alcohol, embodied the images such as smoke rings and visions in the design, frozen the fleeting atmosphere of tobacco and alcohol, formed a solidified and vivid spatial expression, and built a commercial space mainly engaged in tobacco and alcohol into a spiritual shelter in the city through rich visual interpretation.
If the smoke ring disperses, the indoor scene unfolds slowly based on the characteristics of the site. Since the building itself is a circular irregular space, and a number of heavy columns are distributed inside, the designer extended his creativity based on the heavy column, and set up a display booth with the center of the column as a reference point, transforming the shackles of the original hardware conditions into the finishing touch of the space.
The space not only highlights the multiple images in the layout, but also extends in the function. The naturally formed visitor movement line makes people linger in the art gallery and sink into the emotional tone of the space.
Looking around the space, large and small, overlapping circles and rings are scattered, each independent and linked to each other, adding the project's interest and visual sense of hierarchy.
The designer hides the thinking of "baggoism" between circles, "baggoism" that is, in the current social environment, every individual is faced with complicated mental stimulation, information overload and emotional agitation, like a round bagel bread, seemingly full, but the core is empty. The hollow ring is like a sudden feeling of emptiness at some point, which becomes a slow spreading light smoke ring under the impetus of tobacco.
Drunk emotions, such as thoughts transpiration into the fog reflected in the sky, just as the poem "drunk do not know the day in the water, full of ships clear dream pressure star river." In order to embody this fantasy, the designer chose black silver mirror to lay the ceiling, and form a glow with black reflective marble floor tiles, so that the real space becomes the "mezzanine" of the mirrored space, in the inverted and symmetrical mirror vision, interwoven into the scene of light and shadow.
The annular bands of lights embedded in the ceiling, like the fading waves in a dream, and the light sources attached to the curved walls and lockers, stir the mind and settle the dynamic scene of emotional ups and downs.
"The lonely soul needs wine", perhaps the essence of tobacco and alcohol is the antidote to emotions, the sense of peace and precipitation generated by tobacco and alcohol is precisely the fertile field for the conception of stories and the accumulation of literature. DAED design and research chooses "shelter" as the design theme, that is, it hopes to build the space into a conservatory to contain myths, relieve loneliness, and place emotions, so that the lost spirit wandering in the city can leap through the fog of emotions under the shelter of external objects, and extend indefinitely to touch the more essential core of life.